Sunday, November 20, 2011

The day she finally knock on our door :)

My friends kept asking me am I afraid of delivering the baby? the labour pain, contraction, episiotomy etc etc. Honesty, I did give it a thought or two and I decided not to let myself worry and over think. I was focusing more on meeting the baby, and it worked :) I was even walking happily in the labour suite the morning I noticed some blood stain.

I was admitted to labour suite on 10th November 2011 about 7am. I gave a quick call to umi telling her I saw some blood stain and she told me to go to the hospital straightaway, and we did. The midwife that checked on me said that the baby is coming and the cervix is opened by 2cm already. Man, I was really happy! Both me and hubby were smiling from ear to ear. Our baby is finally coming out!!

BUT. I didn’t feel like the contraction is hard enough as according to the birth stories I heard, it will be unbearable. so I was slightly worried but kept calm and continue the breathing exercise with hubby which we learned from the child birth class we attended in October.

The breathing does help when the contractions keeps hitting higher notes. and hubby was very cooperative, reminding me to breathe in and out the right way and we both did it together.

My gynae forced break my waterbag at about 10am and wanted to put me on drip to induce the labour faster but I refused to be induced and she was fine with my request. 2 hours later, she came and checked on me again to see if there’ traces of meconium (that’s baby poo for u who did know) in the ammonium fluid.

There was.

But it was just traces and the baby is doing fine so we continue monitoring the labour progress.

At about 4pm, I was progressing very slowly. I was only 3.5cm dilated and the doctor warned me that I might have to go thru emergency c-section if the baby starts to poo more. So I decided to be put on drip.

God. after that, the contractions start to kick in. I was holding on until about Isya’ time, I requested some pain killer - the laughing gas. I didn’t reduce the pain but it made me sleepy. Hubby was there all the time holding my hand and putting the gas mask on me when the contraction came.

After I started taking the gas, I was somehow unaware of what was happening and among the things that I remembered was Umi, Abah and my 2 sisters arrived from Terengganu at about 11pm and I’m still in labour suite. Hubby went out to greet them and the thing I heard, the midwife asked me to start pushing.

and I did.

(most of the thing in the pushing episode was somehow blurry to me but I knew hubby was there supporting me all the way. He was at his calmest and most stable condition I would say cause he handled me so well)

So then I heard, the baby’s coming and I was doing a good job - hubby said and some nurses yelling push push!

I felt the baby’s head coming out and pushed the hardest and suddenly all the pain was gone and I heard hubby said, “Comel sgt baby kite syg…”.

I was veryyyyyyyy happyyyyy. (I was even unaware that the gynae was still finishing her job down there).

Our precious little girl was born on 11th of November 2011 at 12.51am after almost 18hours in the labour suite.

I heard hubby azan-kan the baby and I was asking whether it’s a girl or a boy to confirm the scan. but nobody really answered me. HA HA.

oh oh, hubby cut the cord! he did! (he was so scared about it before but he DID it!)

an hour later, i got to see my baby and they asked me to try and feed her but I was too exhausted but i still want to hold her in my arms. my family came in the labour suite and my little girl’s eyes were already wide open. she was staring at everybody…

I never felt such happiness before and I was so proud of hubby because I knew I couldnt have done it without him.

So there she was, our baby, Nur Alisha bt Ahmad Tariq. She was named before she was even born :) Alisha means the protected one and Alhamdulillah, she survived thru all the hospital dramas during my pregnancy.

I luv u little girl and I luv u even more now hubby :)


Unknown said...

kan kme, we love our husband ever more and more since they already share a person with us..our baby! i had put the same sentence too in my blogpost once i delivered Ilyaas.

what a well done job kme! 18hours of labour, i was 10hours before doc tolak me into operation room for emergency c-sect...

ilyaas' head was tilting from the tunnel so i have no choice but to forget normal delivery..was very disappointing to me.alhamdulillah semua selamat.

let's enjoy our motherhood journey kme sayang

Kme said...

hehe..alhamdulillah..tariq was very supportive..i couldn't have done it without him by my side and all the prayers from family and friends.. :)

wonderful journey indeed..i dont even remember any pain from labour. hehe.