Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back to work?

Since I hate the counting days thing, I stayed away from blogging so that I dont have to confront myself on going back to work. but since it's only 2 days away, I had no choice but to gear up for work.

Little Alisha has been progressing well, she's now soo 'talkative'. Insisting others to layan her and she will respond to every question u ask (tgk mood jugak). This morning, when I was on the phone on loud speaker with hubby, i asked my little girl to say bye bye daddy, and she actually said 'Baaaaaa'. hahahaha impressive lah plak this not yet 2 months old baby.

caught her on camera when she was having a 'conversation' with me :)

Baby Alisha watching TV with her hippo friend. hehe

Her progress kept us amaze on God's creation. seriously, watching her grow up in front of my eyes is the best thing that ever happen to me :)

she'll be 2 months tomorrow! :)

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