Sunday, November 6, 2011

Days into motherhood

I’m sure this sounds familiar but i still want to say it, i didn’t expect motherhood is coming this early. *insert cricket sound here*

well, before we jump to THAT part, let me rewind to the month of October, 2010.

I, the hardworking woman (at least, i tot i was) and doesn’t really take time off from work, had this picture perfect vision that I will travel the world, become the strong-willed career woman, continue my endless passion for food journey, stuck offshore for another two years or so and most importantly, SINGLE.

But, I met a guy. yeah, it’s true when they say all women’s problem started with MEN.

MENstual pain.


GUYnecologist. (at least, they tried to fix our problems which begins with them anyway)

ok. u get it, right?

Then, all of a sudden (yeah, sudden lah sangat), I was meeting his family, his family came to visit mine, and tada! - we got engaged and married 2.5 months later! HA HA

Be it a shocking decision we both made, I didn’t regret committing to changing my way of life. I firmly believe that parents blessings is somehow one of the main key to a successful marriage (yeah, call me traditional or conservative or whatever - i cannot care any less) and of course the will to go through bad times & good times together. Being able to accept each other’s weakness, and appreciate the other person’s strength, insyaAllah, we’ll be able to survive living together halal-ly.

Yes, it’s like entering a new world when u have to share your privacy with another human being - especially dealing with tolerating each other when we both need some time to just be ourselves. hehe

A month plus later, we figure out we’re pregnant!




(I was speechless - I didn’t know I will have to go through 2 major changes in life in this short period) - and he was very excited.

I took a few months to digest the fact that I will have to be responsible for another human being. I was not prepared mentally.

But you know what changed me? - when I saw the little one in me moving, swimming happily, sucking its thumb and enjoyed being in my tummy!

It was THE turning point.

I loved our unborn baby. too much that I anxiously waited for the next appointment to see how’s the baby doing in my little swimming pool. (little lah sgt sekarang ni).

My hubby, he was glowing! - kalah org pregnant.

(let’s cut the emotional up & downs crap of dealing with the increasing hormones and leave this post a jolly-good-happy-everyday-journey, so that I won’t scare you with what I have finally discovered I’m capable of behaving)

I’m in my 39th week of pregnancy now.

My baby is approximately 3.4kg already as according to our last check-up and considering the size and my development, doctor said, insyaAllah this week it will knock on my door and finally meet us all in person :)

(i’ll spare u the details on my shopaholic nature - i assure u that i have been tamed and only focus on buying baby stuff).

We have the baby cot & baby car seat ready to greet our bundle of joy, we have bought some diapers and baby clothes just enough to cover the days that i wont be able to go out and do some shopping.

We have even moved to the ground floor (from the third floor) - we called it ourrumah sewa now. since we have the living room to us :) hehe

I can’t stop thinking what type of mom would I be and at the same time, I was calculating the possibilities of me turning into those perfectionist mother or the overprotective mummy. - looking at the past 24 years of life, i’m likely to be thelets-buy-ice cream-and-get-sugar-high mom.

god. I did overthink, didn’t I?

(I blamed hubby for infecting me with this gene! :P - don’t be mad, i still love u to death)

I have been an avid reader to parenting blogs, online pregnancy and early child care online guide and also bought a few books that will give me the insight of what future would look like.

(ehem. ehem. and of course online baby stores - what do u expect??? they’re easier to browse than having to walk hours at the parenthood expo. Plus, hubby loves not having to go to shopping malls. hehehehe. win-win situation:D )

I wont say that we’re both very prepared but we did what we can to expect the major changes which insyaAllah will come in a few days time. - I have to tell you that even hubby is reading the New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the First Year! I’m so proud of him now. hehe.

To little baby in my-now-so-stretched-swimming-pool, mummy & daddy is very happy to meet you and we’ll be waiting patiently until u’re ready to meet us :)

See, I’m this big now.


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