Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I was adamant that I could survive on my own. I always have. So, keeping the positive vibe on, I went home from hospital filling my inner self with good vibes that I will be back to normal in a few days.

at least, that’s what I thought.

Our first night at home was the start of the challenge. My mum and dad did tell us that reality will start when we reach home, when we’re to survive on our own.

I took complete care of her as we reached home and I was so protective until a certain point I felt like I could trust no one expect my hubby to take care of our precious little girl.

Our first two days at home, I tried to do everything for my baby. We did expect that she’ll wake up at night and she’ll cry like we’ve read in the parenting book and websites. But, we didn’t expect the exhaustion from that would take a toll on me.

On the first night, she woke up every two hours and I tried feeding her but she’s not hungry, after changing her diapers, she slept but then she woke up again. we have no idea what she wants. all three of us were left being miserable.

On the second day we’re at home, the confinement lady that we hired, started her service and I was quite glad she came and we could learn a few tricks or two to handle her. but man, the lady who came is only 22 yo and she doesn’t even have any kids! Of course la you would feel ‘boleh caye ke budak ni’.

Then the thing that I fear the most happened.

I was down with allergy attack and I was unable to attend to my baby. It all happened since the lady cooked me some hanyir steam fish and I never had a bad allergy attack cause of fish. my lips and eyes were swollen and the stitches plus anywhere i got scarred, were very itchy.

At first I was reluctant to anybody know what was happening to me but it was unbearable that I started crying instead. My hubby and my mother-in-law insisted that we go to the hospital in case it got worse. my MIL even assured me that my baby will be taken care of by the maids and they will help out from then on and I have to let them help.

After the drama on night #2 and the exhaustion from being sleep deprived, our baby slept with our maids and they said I looked horrible as I haven’t had enough rest as how any women who had gone thru childbirth should.

I felt so miserable as if I was so weak that I had to abandon my baby and every night I would take some time before giving her to the maids to sleep with them. I would wait until she’s really asleep and sometimes, i will wait until 12midnight before giving her to them.

Hubby said that I have to rest and by resting, I will be able to recover and later I can attend to my baby again. Gosh, it was hard for me. I’m used to do it all by myself and now I have to receive help. it was hard to adjust to.

After a weeks or so, I was recovering quite well and I’m no longer ‘swollen’. Oh btw, my legs and hands were swollen after I delivered baby Alisha. usually people got this symptoms while pregnant but it was the other way for me. so, yeah, I ballooned up.

(and the confinement lady that cooked me hanyir fish was changed to a new lady. not because of the food she cooked but because she didnt turn up to our door steps a few times and felt like i should understand her position - so the company sent me a real mak bidan, who had almost 30 years experience and previously worked at Pantai Medical Centre, to take over her job :) and man, the new lady (btw, she’s older than my mom okayy) was superb!)

As of day 23, I’m feeling much better. I learned to accept help and ask when I need to. I learned that it doesn’t make me weak to ask for help because there are people who are willing to be there for me. Alhamdulillah…

To better days ahead :)
(see, I ballooned up! tk tipu punyee… hehehee)

Tips for expecting mother:

1. Find a good confinement lady.
2. Berpantang lah cause it will do you good. I learned the HARD way. so, u can just learn from my experience. hehe
3. Invest some money on supplements to help you recover.
4. get enough rest!!


Anonymous said...

kme, confinement lady tu perlu ke? xboleh mintak para ibu yg jaga mse pantang? ceg, sibuk je ak nk tau pdhl kawen pn blm...hehehe...(fatin)

nur fitri said...

Kme! yes you ballooned up. yes indeed. btw super cute baby. bagi die makan byk2 so tht she'll get all chubby n even cuter =] congrats!

Kme said...

fit, nnti kite tgk boleh turun tk berat ni..hehee.. oh alisha drinks so much milk and now she's chubbier. i'll bring her to meet aunty fit one day :)

fatin, boleh je mak jaga..but i'm staying at my in laws..and confinement lady tu everyday akan urut, tungku, mandikan baby and help me pakai bengkung..quite good la since in the early days, we need that rest for speedy recovery :) tkpe amek tau awal2..aku ni dok google la sume mende..hehehe